July 21, 2024

CP4P Joins One City Basketball League hosted by Noah’s Arc Foundation

The Southwest Organizing Project's (SWOP) community violence intervention team, Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P) recently participated in the One City Basketball League hosted by Noah's Arc Foundation. The league is a unique initiative that brings together 28 community-based violence prevention organizations across Chicago to offer young men ages 16 to 25 a safe and constructive environment build life skills and collaborate. One City not only focuses on enhancing athletic abilities but also emphasizes essential life skills, aiming to reduce violence and promote peace within the community. Through financial compensation paired with mandatory off-court programming, participants are encouraged to develop both personally and professionally.

One City Basketball League is designed to foster holistic development in young athletes. By providing a platform for skill development, the league instills discipline, teamwork, and leadership qualities that are crucial both on and off the court. The mentorship initiatives connect participants with positive role models who guide them in sportsmanship and life decisions, reinforcing the importance of making positive choices. Furthermore, educational workshops on conflict resolution, communication skills, financial literacy, and anger management equip participants with the tools needed to navigate everyday challenges and build a better future.

The league also places a strong emphasis on community engagement and violence prevention. By organizing events, volunteering opportunities, and collaborative projects, One City cultivates a sense of community among participants, encouraging them to contribute positively to their surroundings. Workshops and discussions promote non-violence and conflict resolution, aiming to reduce violence within and beyond the league. Financial empowerment is another key aspect, with financial incentives and literacy programming teaching the importance of responsibility, work ethics, and long-term planning. Inclusivity is at the heart of One City, ensuring a welcoming environment for participants from diverse backgrounds, celebrating differences, and promoting unity. Through these comprehensive efforts, One City Basketball League strives to create lasting positive impacts on its participants and the broader community.

Rafael Agosto, Case manager for CP4P and Carlos Ortez, CP4P Outreach Worker and former participant in the One City Basketball League was more than happy to lead the charge in being a part of this year’s tournament. “This experience has taught me how important basketball is in our community and this league allows our participants to use basketball as a vehicle to learn important life skills. The mandatory workshops help them

in building key skills that they may not have come across in their day to day lives.” Carlos shared, reflecting on the journey of the young men that joined them.

Though the league has ended for the time being with SWOP’s team having gone as far as the semifinals, Rafael expressed how excited he is to continue working with the group of participants who joined them. “We made a lot of good connections with this group of young men, and we are more than happy to have been able to partner with so many different organizations to make this opportunity possible for them.” Rafael commented, before leaving one final remark. “I hope this experience can be used as a pillar starting here in Chicago to grow and go from city to city, then state to state. I saw a lot of talent out there and a lot of good being done for a lot of people that needed it.”

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